Noticias de la FICH

El miércoles 19 de junio a las 14 h, en la sala de conferencias de la FICH, el Prof. Miklos Kozlovszky brindará la charla «Remote patient monitoring and health state assessment» («Monitoreo remoto de pacientes y evaluación del estado de salud»).

Kozlovszky es director del Institute of Biomatics - Head of Biotech Research Center, University Research, Innovation and Service Center, Óbuda University. 

La charla será brindada en inglés. Es abierta a toda la comunidad educativa y no requiere inscripción.

With the advent of remote patient monitoring solutions using wearable and embedded sensors, medical professionals can acquire data about the targeted individuals with higher accuracy and finer temporal resolution than ever before. For national scale remote patient monitoring we have to deal with the large number of data sources multiplied by the number of sensor modalities and high sampling rates. Such non-stop data acquisition is producing huge amount of medical data, which is hard to manage, process and visualize. We are developing methods to deal with such amount of data and provide valuable information for the medical professionals. In this talk we are exploring the key problems we have now concerning remote patient monitoring. Furthermore information about recent solutions will be provided, with examples of individual and population health status assessment frameworks.

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